Jane Macdonald Jane Macdonald

Why Foundations Matter

In the increasingly competitive landscape of Amazon e-commerce, it can be tempting to quickly look to PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising as a quick solution for driving traffic to your listings and standing out amongst the competition. This can be an incredibly expensive and time consuming exercise, however, if your listings are not fully optimised to support these kinds of campaigns. Because let’s remember, PPC success is not just about attracting traffic. It is about converting that traffic into sales. In this article, we will explore the pivotal role of fully optimised listings in significantly increasing your chances of converting incoming traffic through PPC.

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brand, loyalty, content marketing, brand advocacy Jane Macdonald brand, loyalty, content marketing, brand advocacy Jane Macdonald

Building Beyond Products: The Importance of Brand

In markets flooded with similar products and services, where functionalities often align, the distinguishing factor that can turn casual buyers into loyal customers is the brand. Let’s explore the role a well-crafted brand can play as the ultimate differentiator, transforming an ordinary purchase into a brand-driven experience that resonates with consumers.

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Jane Macdonald Jane Macdonald

Nurturing Success: Customer Loyalty

In the increasingly competitive business landscape that we operate in, it can be easy to develop a tunnel vision focus on customer acquisition (that is, attracting new customers). Yet, where new strategies and technologies emerge constantly, one timeless truth remains: the value of a loyal customer base. This article delves into the significance of nurturing your customer database and how this practice serves as the backbone for sustainable business success.

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marketing strategy, content marketing, seo Jane Macdonald marketing strategy, content marketing, seo Jane Macdonald

Navigating the Marketing Maze: Where to Start

With countless strategies, platforms, and tools available, businesses often find themselves overwhelmed, wondering where to start when it comes to their marketing journey. The compass that guides this journey isn't a flashy gimmick or the latest trend, and it doesn’t cost any money—it's a fundamental question that every business must ask: "What problem are we trying to solve?" In this article, we'll explore the significance of problem-solving as the cornerstone of a strategic marketing approach.

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